Notice: We do not have any official authorized organization and organize any official WeChat group. If some fraudsters may pose themselves as employees of Solomon to engage in any investment activities, be vigilant to avoid being deceived.



1. Confirmation and acceptance of this agreement


(1) This agreement is between the user (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "you") and Solomon JFZ (Asia) Holdings Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Solomon Securities" or "we") regarding the use of Solomon Securities The agreement between the client software and Solomon Securities website (“Solomon Securities Software”) and the services provided therein (“this service” or “Solomon Securities Services”). By downloading, installing, using or accessing the Solomon Securities software, you are acknowledging and agreeing to all the terms of this agreement.


(2) Solomon Securities will amend the content of this agreement from time to time and announce it through https://www.hyzq.com.hk. In addition, the agreements and business rules that Solomon Securities may publish from time to time are also an integral part of this agreement, and you should also abide by them. If you continue to use the Solomon Securities software or this service, it means that you have known and accepted the modification or change of this agreement, and agree to the agreements and business rules issued by Solomon Securities from time to time. If you do not agree, you should stop using Solomon Securities software and this service immediately.


(3) When you use a specific Solomon Securities service, the service may have separate agreements, relevant business rules, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "separate agreements"), and you should read and agree to the relevant agreements before using the service. separate agreement. Your use of the aforementioned specific services constitutes your acceptance of the relevant separate agreement.


(4) If your country or region excludes all or part of this agreement, you should immediately stop using the service, otherwise, your continued use of the service will be deemed as your agreement to bear the relevant legal risks or legal responsibilities.


(5) If any clause of this agreement is partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining clauses are still valid and binding on you and Solomon Securities.



2. Account registration, use and cancellation


(1) You need to register a Solomon Securities account before using this service. After registering a Solomon Securities account, you can use some Solomon Securities services. You can further apply for activation and use more Solomon Securities services after verification (collectively referred to as "service account").


(2) During the process of registering or activating the service account, performing real-name authentication on the service account and using the service, you should provide Solomon Securities with your legal, true, valid and complete information (including but not limited to binding with the service account) third-party account number, mobile phone number, etc.).


(3) The nickname, avatar, signature, message, etc. you set in the service account must abide by laws and regulations, and will not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of other third-party manufacturers, otherwise we may cancel your nickname, avatar, signature, and message, etc. .


(4) Please keep the service account information and password safe. You need to bear legal responsibility for the actions under your service account and password. When you suspect that someone else is using your service account without authorization or other abnormal circumstances, please notify Solomon Securities immediately.


(5) You have the right to apply for logout of the service account in accordance with the account cancellation procedures stipulated by Solomon Securities. If you do not log in to the service account for a long time, Solomon Securities has the right to reclaim the service account to avoid waste of resources, and any losses arising therefrom shall be borne by you.


(6) You agree and authorize Solomon Securities to inquire or verify your corresponding information through relevant agencies or organizations before and during the provision of services.



3. Access and use of Solomon Securities software


(1) License of software


Solomon Securities authorizes you a limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive license to use Solomon Securities software. You may use Solomon Securities Software solely for the purpose of accessing or using the Service. All other rights not expressly authorized by this agreement are still reserved by Solomon Securities.


(2) Acquisition, installation and update of software


1. You can download the software of Solomon Securities directly from the official website of Solomon Securities, WeChat official account, etc., or obtain it from third-party manufacturers authorized by Solomon Securities. If you obtain Solomon Securities software from an unauthorized third-party vendor, Solomon Securities cannot guarantee the normal use of the software, nor will it be liable for any adverse consequences arising therefrom.


2. Solomon Securities has developed different software versions of Solomon Securities for different terminal devices. You should choose to download and install the appropriate version according to the actual situation.


3. In order to improve user experience, improve service content, and ensure service security, Solomon Securities has the right to update Solomon Securities software at any time or to change or restrict some functions and effects of Solomon Securities software.


(3) Please use the software of Solomon Securities correctly, and do not:


1. Delete the copyright information on the software and its copies;


2. Reverse engineer the software or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software;


3. Using, renting, duplicating, modifying, linking, reprinting, compiling, publishing, publishing, establishing mirror websites, etc. on the content that Solomon Securities has intellectual property rights;


4. Copy Solomon Securities Software or the data released into the terminal memory during the operation of Solomon Securities Software, the interaction data between the client and server during software operation, and the system data necessary for the operation of Solomon Securities Software , modify, add, delete, mount or create any derivative works, including but not limited to any third-party tools/services not expressly authorized by Solomon Securities to access this software and related systems;


5. Adding, deleting, or changing the functions or operating effects of the software by modifying or forging instructions or materials in the running of the software;


6. Log in or use software and services of Solomon Securities through third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, systems not developed and authorized by Solomon Securities, or produce, publish, and disseminate the above tools;


7. Interfere with the software and its components, modules, and data by yourself or authorizing others or third-party software;


8. Other acts not expressly authorized by Solomon Securities.



4. User Precautions and Code of Conduct


(1) Precautions for users


1. In order to provide you with effective services, Solomon Securities Software will use resources such as the processor and bandwidth of your terminal device. Data flow charges may be incurred during the use of the software. You need to obtain relevant tariff information from your operator and bear the relevant charges by yourself.


2. Solomon Securities will use its commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security of your data storage in Solomon Securities software and Solomon Securities services, but Solomon Securities does not provide guarantees for this.


3. Solomon Securities has the right to determine the maximum storage period of individual user data in Solomon Securities software and Solomon Securities services according to the actual situation, and allocate the maximum storage space for data on the server. You can back up relevant information in Solomon Securities software and services according to your own needs.


4. If you stop using Solomon Securities software and Solomon Securities services or services are terminated or canceled, Solomon Securities can permanently delete your information from the server. After the service is stopped, terminated or cancelled, Solomon Securities is not obliged to return any information to you.


5. The securities fund information you inquired through the Solomon Securities software is provided by the designated securities company, and your actual securities fund information is still subject to the records of the designated securities company. If you have any objection to the securities fund information on the Solomon Securities software, you can directly contact the designated securities company for consultation.


6. In any case, you should not trust in borrowing money, asking for passwords or other information involving property. If property operations are involved, please be sure to verify and confirm in advance, and please always pay attention to the relevant tips on preventing fraud crimes.


7. If you inquire about other people's securities fund information in designated securities companies through Solomon Securities software, you guarantee that you have obtained the complete authorization of others. If you do not obtain the above authorization and cause losses to other people's assets, you shall be liable for compensation.


8. Solomon Securities may modify and change the charging standards and methods of fee-based services according to actual needs; before the aforementioned modification, change or start of charging, Solomon Securities will notify or make an announcement on the corresponding service page. If you do not agree to the above modifications, changes or paid content, you should stop using the service.


(2) User responsibilities and obligations


1. You agree not to use Solomon Securities software and Solomon Securities services to engage in the following behaviors:


   (1) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store information that violates securities laws and relevant stock exchange rules, whether intentional or not;


   (2) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that violates national and local laws and regulations;


   (3) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that infringes on others' legal rights such as reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, and trade secrets;


   (4) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store information that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third-party vendors;


   (5) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content involving other people's privacy, personal information or data;


   (6) Publish, transmit, and disseminate harassing information, advertising information, spam information, or content containing any sexual or sexually suggestive information;


   (7) Publish, transmit, spread rumors, false information or other content containing false information;


   (8) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store information that interferes with the normal operation of Solomon Securities software and services;


   (9) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store other information that violates laws, regulations, policies, public order, good customs, and social morality.


2. You can use Solomon Securities software and Solomon Securities services to publish opinions, materials, texts, information, user names, pictures, photos, personal information, video files, links and other information content that belong to you or that you have the right to express ("Uploaded Content"). You warrant that:


   (1) You own the intellectual property rights of the content you upload or have obtained legal authorization;


   (2) Your uploading behavior and the content of the information you upload have not violated the legal rights of any third party.


   (3) You understand and agree: Solomon Securities can manage or delete any content you publish on Solomon Securities software according to its own standards and positions, without explaining to you in advance or afterwards. The standards for management or deletion are also completely independently formulated by Solomon Securities, and there is no need to ask for your opinion or disclose it to you.


   (4) If Solomon Securities discovers that the information published, transmitted, disseminated, and stored by users through Solomon Securities software is one of the contents listed in item 1 of this article, Solomon Securities has the right to immediately stop the transmission, save relevant records, and carry out corresponding Process and report to the relevant authorities.



5. Special agreement on market information services


(1) You agree to and abide by the terms and conditions of market data information in the appendix of this agreement.


(2) You agree and undertake that you will not republish or disseminate all or any part of the market information provided by Solomon Securities Software or Solomon Securities Services in any way, or use it for index calculation and compilation, or for compilation to issue any tradable products, or for any other purpose.


(3) You agree and confirm, and through the use of any marketing materials, you have indicated that you agree and confirm:


1. HKEx Information Services Limited, its holding companies and/or any subsidiaries of such holding companies make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, but cannot guarantee its absolute accuracy and reliability and will not be liable Liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions.



6. Risk warning and disclaimer


(1) Risk warning


1. You confirm and promise that when using Solomon Securities software or accepting Solomon Securities services, you should have a certain understanding of financial market common sense and be fully aware of relevant market risks.


2. Any information provided by Solomon Securities software and Solomon Securities services (including but not limited to relevant financial information, market prices, data, charts and other information, information released by NiuNiu users, information provided by guests invited by Solomon Securities information), Solomon Securities does not guarantee its reliability, accuracy and timeliness, nor does it mean that Solomon Securities confirms its description or agrees with its views. Solomon Securities makes no representations as to the present or future value or marketability of any securities or investment products.


3. All content is for reference only, and does not constitute forecasts, investment return commitments, investment suggestions or other practical operational opinions, and you should make prudent judgments and screenings. Users are responsible for the consequences caused by this operation. Past performance should not be construed as indicating future performance.


4. You confirm that you fully understand and agree to the risks suggested by Solomon Securities, and promise to take relevant risk prevention measures to avoid or reduce risks as much as possible, and you voluntarily bear any possible losses related to them.



(2) Disclaimer


1. You understand and agree that Solomon Securities does not guarantee that Solomon Securities’ services will meet your requirements, nor does it guarantee that the services will not be interrupted, nor does it guarantee the timeliness and accuracy of the services. The risks existing or caused by your use of Solomon Securities software and Solomon Securities services will be entirely borne by you. All consequences arising from your use of Solomon Securities services are also borne by you, and Solomon Securities shall not be liable to you. Such risks or consequences include but are not limited to:


(1) Service interruption, data or data loss, leakage or damage, and other losses and risks caused by computer viruses, Trojan horses, hacker attacks, system instability, third-party service defects, government actions, and other force majeure factors;


    (2) Service interruption, data or data loss, leakage or damage, and other losses and risks caused by failure of your or Solomon Securities' computer software, systems, hardware and communication lines;


(3) Losses and risks caused by your improper operation or using Solomon Securities services in a way not authorized by Solomon Securities;


(4) When you visit the third-party website through the link in Solomon Securities software, the possible losses and risks caused by the third-party website and content;


(5) Your uploaded content is forwarded and shared by others, and the risks and responsibilities that may be brought about by such dissemination;


(6) Risks and responsibilities that may be caused by login failure, incomplete data synchronization, and slow page opening speed caused by unstable network signals and small network bandwidth;


2. You confirm and agree that Solomon Securities will not be responsible for any performance failures, system, server or connection failures, errors, omissions, interruptions, breaches of security, computer viruses, malicious code, damage, delay in operation or transmission, or failure to access, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of the above occurrence.


3. You acknowledge and agree that communication through or related to Solomon Securities Software or Solomon Securities Services may be interrupted, message disappearance, transmission delay or data transmission error due to the open nature of the Internet or other reasons.


4. You understand and agree that Solomon Securities software, as Internet software, may be affected by various factors. If the Solomon Securities software you download, install or access contains viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious programs, which threaten your terminal equipment and data security, or even affect the normal use of Solomon Securities software, Solomon Securities will not be responsible for this.


5. If you use the services of Solomon Securities and involve products or services provided by any third-party vendors, Solomon Securities and the third-party vendors shall each be responsible for possible disputes within the scope of legal provisions and agreements; at the same time, you Third-party user agreements or usage agreements must also be followed.


6. You confirm and agree that if you and a third party are involved in complaints and other related disputes, Solomon Securities has the right to provide your subject information, contact information, complaint-related matters and other necessary information to the opposing party to the dispute or the relevant department, To protect the legitimate rights and interests of you and other parties; except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.


7. You understand and agree that certain functions of Solomon Securities Software and Solomon Securities Services will allow other third-party vendors to know your relevant information. Solomon Securities is not responsible for any risks and losses arising therefrom.


8. If you conduct securities investment operations based on the materials and information provided by Solomon Securities Services, you will be solely responsible for the risks or losses in relevant decisions and investment actions, and all consequences arising therefrom will also be borne by you. It has nothing to do with Solomon Securities, and you shall not pursue Solomon Securities for any responsibility.



7. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights


(1) The intellectual property rights of Solomon Securities software content (including but not limited to web pages, interface design, page frame, text, audio, video, pictures or other materials, etc.) are owned by Solomon Securities or other relevant obligees. The trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights and other intellectual property rights of Solomon Securities software belong to Solomon Securities.


(2) You agree and confirm that you grant Solomon Securities the worldwide free, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable and fully licensed rights and licenses to your uploaded content. Solomon Securities has the right to use such content for other legal purposes for commercial or non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to copying, modifying, adapting, translating, assembling, splitting, promoting, distributing, broadcasting, performing in part or in whole , interpretation, publication and sub-licensing.



8. Third-party software or technology


(1) Solomon Securities software may use third-party software or technology (including open source code and public function variable code, etc.), and such use has been legally authorized.


(2) If the Solomon Securities software uses the software or technology of a third party, Solomon Securities will, in accordance with relevant regulations or agreements, package relevant agreements or other files in the specific folder of the software installation package through the annex to this agreement. , or through open source software pages, etc., they may be expressed in "software license agreement", "authorization agreement", "open source code license" or other forms. The above-mentioned related agreements, other documents and web pages displayed in various forms are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as this agreement, and you should abide by these requirements. If you fail to comply with these requirements, the third party or state agency may file a lawsuit, impose a fine or take other sanction measures against you, and require Solomon Securities to provide assistance, and you should bear legal responsibility by yourself.



9. Handling of breach of contract and violations


(1) If Solomon Securities discovers or receives reports or complaints from others that users violate this agreement, Solomon Securities has the right to delete and cover up the relevant content at any time without notice, and to punish the violating account according to the severity of the behavior. Punishments including but not limited to warnings, restriction or prohibition of the use of some or all functions, account banning or cancellation, and announcement of the results.


(2) You understand and agree that Solomon Securities has the right to punish violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement based on reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any user who violates laws and regulations, and save relevant information in accordance with laws and regulations Report to the relevant department. Users shall solely bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.


(3) You understand and agree that you shall be solely responsible for any claim, demand or loss claimed by a third party due to your violation of this agreement or the relevant terms of service; if Solomon Securities suffers losses as a result, you shall also should be compensated together.



10. Application of law and dispute resolution


(1) The entry into force, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China.


(2) If there is any dispute or dispute between you and Solomon Securities, it should be settled through friendly negotiation first.